

Papuch: What Will People Need?

Me: Mozhesh gavarit, ili po Angliskiy, ili po Ruskiy,
Ili kak tebye lutshe

Papa: Shto nuzhno gavorit?

Me: Pro eto.

Papa: Nu toyest’, shto vazhno?

Me: Shto vazhno, I yeshio pro vot-eti voprosi.

Papa: Nu nu nu…

Vazhno shtobe vi nashli Put’, da

Shtobe – vas ni kachala.


Shtobe vi ni… dah ni… Ni perezhivali


Ni … Silna – somnevalis’, da


Da, Nayti put’ nehkai stabilnisti.


Da y, Da, I Shtobe…. zaniat svayio mesto, v etom mire..


Potomo-shto Mir polon’ vasmozhnostey.


Da y – kak etot opot tebye v Moskve pokazal – vozmozhnosti oni ni tolko zafixirovani v Londone, da.


Oni yest’ vezde.


Da y… Ahhhh….

You need to be open for the chances, changes and ahh, ehh experiments.


Da, Potomu-shto, vse strani prohodiat’ pandemiyu po raznamu,


Da y, To shto proyeshodet zdes’, eto – much more sane.


Da toyest, eto, na.. vesh’ katoroye – dumayu shto vot vi v Museye sevodnye posmotreli, da –


Vesh katoroye – vitoge, tot put’ kotoroy vibrala Rossiye – on nye plohoy soversheno. Da,


I mozhet bit, so vremenim, budet poneto:


Shto vot eto-vot Radikalizatsiye Lockdownof – onaaaa….

Nisyiot prosto kolosalniy, usherp.



No… vapros dazhe nye v Lockdownah.


A vtom shto… seichas tvayey industreye: da, toyest, teatram, vsemu ostolnomu

Ocheng silniy nanyesion uron.

Da y, ni sovsem poniatno, kak… they will be..uhh turning back. Eto ni sovsem poniatno.


I mozhet bit, future lies more in ahh… performances which are broadcasted, da, a ni performances kotoriye you see and feel with your physical presence.


Da I toyest’ i..


Orientatsiya na kombinatsiya s video… I .. s etim, da…


Toyest’, y v etom plane, ya dumayu shto kakiye-to dalneyshiye isledovinye kakiye nuzhni tebye,


Shtobe uvidet vozmozhnost’ I poniat’  kak eto zdelat’, da


Y mozhet bit bolshe rabotat’ na digital chem na… ahh actually physical presence.




Vot… toyest’…


Zdes’ vremia idyot, but we have to choose something, and then keep doing.


Vot. Da. y..


Budushiye nye ochevidno, no ono ochevidno tolko odna starana , shto…


Digital will be more and more present


Da eto, obsoliutno ochevidno – Shto will play bigger and bigger role, da.


Shas’ uzhe dazhe ni tolko prosto digital information and uh, communication, and everything – plays a role


Nu uzhe.. a..ah..

Super digital appearing – da, kogda lyudi nachenayut zhit chast’ svoyey zhizne v . ahhh, v digitalnom’ mire, a nye v realnom, da.


Shto, vot eti vot vsiakiye igraviye I prochiye platformi kotoroyi shas’ sushestvuyut:


Oni nastolko moshniye, shto,  Oni komu-to nachenayut zamenyat’ realnost’…


Eto ocheng opastno konechno.


No  – ono tozhe dayiot’ svoyi vazmoshnosti., da, potomu shto-


Shto real, shto unreal? Da.

Chem dalshe –  tem’ selneye, ssss…ah, granitsa sterayetsa.


Vot i… nuzhno eto vsio ponimat’, nuzhno smotret’ Kak… Kak eto vsio razvevayetsa, da,






Y mozhet-bit kakoy-to bolshe exposure v storonu digital,


Ono nuzhno, da, dlya togo-shtobe… potomu-shto:


Mi vsegda storayemsia – sahranit, Stayat’,


Na kakih-to privichnih veshah, da.


Vot, No … mi sovremeniye veshi mi tozhe dalzhni smotret. smotret.


Zdes’ neskolko ocheng horoshih vistovok bilo, da, nu, kotoriye nye poluchilas’ posetit, katoriye vot kakraz posvesheni:


Digital Transformation…. Da…. Vot… posmotret’…


No ya nadeyus shto ti mozhet-bit budesh po chyashe priyezhat’ siuda,


Da, Potomu-shto zdes’ yest’, ah – drugoy – drugoy angle,




Y drugaya… nyeka-drugaya realnost’.


Vot – ti shias’ bila v samoy surovoy zime, na samom-dele,

Kotoroye mozhno bilo pridstavit.

Vot ah, yy


To experience four seasons in this way, is quite amazing.



What is real, what is unreal?

Nu Nu Nu…

It’s important that you find a path.

So that you don’t get shaken.

So that you don’t … don’t .. don’t worry so much.

So that you don’t doubt so much, yes.

To find a path of stability.

Yes, and to take your place in this world.

Because the world is full of opportunities.


And as this experience in Moscow has shown you,

The opportunities are not only fixated in London.

They are everywhere.

And You need to be open for the chances, changes, and experiments.

Because – all the countries are going through the pandemic in a different way.

And what is happening here is much more sane.

It’s a way that – I think, today in the museum you have seen – the path that Russia has chosen, is not bad at all.


And maybe with time, it will be understood that the radicalisation of Lockdowns, it just carries a colossal cost.

But the question isn’t just about lockdowns, but in that your industry – theatre,  etc, is carrying an enormous wound.

And it’s not clear how they will be turning back.

That’s not clear.

And Maybe – future lies more in performances which are broadcasted,

And not performances that you see and feel with your physical presence.

So the orientation of a combination of video and…

I think in this direction, you need to do some further research, so as to see opportunities and understand how to do it.

And to begin to work more on digital – than actually physical presence.

Time is passing.

But we have to choose something.

And then keep doing.



The future is uncertain, but it is certain on one side:

That digital will be more and more present,

That is completely evident.

That it will play bigger and bigger role.

And now it’s not just digital information, and communication, and everything, that plays a role

But already the super-digital is appearing,

Where people start living parts of their lives in the digital world rather than in the real one.

All of these gaming platforms that exist: They are so enormous that they replace reality for some people.

And that is very dangerous, of course.

But it also gives its opportunities, yes.

Because what is real, what is unreal? Yes

The further we go, the more the line gets erased.

And it’s important to understand, to watch all of this, and how it is all evolving.

Perhaps some sort of bigger exposure in the side of the digital – is needed

In order to-

Because We always try to preserve, to stand on some habitual things

But also the modern things – we need to watch. To watch.

There are a few very good exhibitions here that we were not able to visit, that are dedicated to the digital transformation.

Need to look.

But I hope that you will come here a bit more often.

Because here, there is another angle.

And another… somehow another, reality.

You have been in the harshest winter that could be imagined.


To experience 4 seasons in this way is quite amazing.